Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Need a Hero

One of the worst kept secrets in my life is that I LOVE music. If you ever see me out and about it is almost a guarantee that I will have my iPod on me. Whether I'm walking to class or driving in the car I am always using it. Now don't worry I'm not listening to the earbuds in the car while driving, I use an FM tuner. One of the greatest things about listening to music is the fact that there is a song for everything. I've found this to be especially true with Christian music. When I've been in my lowest moments, or on an emotional high, God seems to have a song on my iPod for every occassion.

Recently I've been listening to a lot of different Christian bands, specifically hitting up the heavier music a lot. I've been going through a time in my life where I'm confused, and just lost walking through the everyday life day by day going through the routine. I put on this mask that everything is fine, but in reality, its not. I've been failing at staying true to myself and keeping my values true to me. I put on the heavy music thinking that it will be dark and the kind of thing that fits me well.

On the contrary God put the right kind of heavy music for me to hear. A few days ago I was shuffling through music on a playlist and Skillet's "Hero" came on from their new CD Awake. As I listened to the music I felt I finally was understanding God's message for me. At one point the song reads:
I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero to save my life
A hero will save me just in time
I've gotta fight today
To live another day
Speaking my mind today
My voice will be heard today
Suddenly this hit me like a ton of bricks. I needed a hero to save my life a hero to save me now. That hero is Christ. I wasn't living my life for him and staying true to him. I didn't need some superficial person to tell me what to do and I didn't need to be pretending to be someone I wasn't. I'm a follower of Christ. I'm in love with God and Jesus my Lord and Savior. I have to fight for my faith to live another day at the end of my life on Earth with God and Jesus in Heaven. My voice will be heard, but I have to be willing to speak my mind and let the world know where I stand.
Suddenly I was rejuvinated. Christ is my savior. There had to be other messages in my music. Suddenly I started paying attention to my music more closely. What was it telling me? This Beautiful Republic "My God" from their album Perceptions:

My God, oh, my God – what have I become?
The self-addicted one
My God, oh, my God – You never failed me
You're what I need

Of course! God has never failed me. He's been there all along. He is what I need always and forever. A life without God is just a life that is never lived. I'd become so centered around my life adn what I wanted that I forget that it isn't about me and what I want. It is about God and his plan for my life. In their song "You and Me" from their album To Die as Kings the Ascendicate writes:

It's you and me, (it's you)
It's you and me. I wanna tell you
everything, I wanna tell you everything
'cause I am so in love with you,
I wanna fall in love with you.
There's no where else I'd rather be,
there's no one here but you and me.

Tonight let it be just you and God. Tell him how in love you are with him. Let him know that he is everything to you and that you don't need anything but him. Offer up your life to Christ and tell him to use your life for his will. Tell him all your pains, all the things that keep you up at night, and all your personal demons and struggles. Let him know that you want him to take all of that and give it all up for him. We only have one life to live here on Earth. Let us use that life serving God in whatever way he sees fit. Tonight it is only you and God. God is so in love with you and you are so beautiful in his eyes. Jesus I love you and God I love you. My life is forever yours. I need a hero, and I found one in God.

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